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  • Employing a range of cinematic techniques, three directors craft stylish and thoughtful reflections on the COVID-19 experience.

  • Animated bedtime stories for budding rebels in the post-COVID world.

  • Inspiring, insightful and wildly inventive, these works explore the physical and emotional aspects of pandemic isolation.

  • These creators defy clichéd representations of their communities while navigating the uncharted waters of a global health emergency.

  • Distinct voices, speaking from different points on the COVID-19 map, enhance our understanding of the pandemic experience.

  • What new knowledge does COVID reveal? As old systems and attitudes crumble, artists muse on the impact and creative potential of disruption.

  • Made in the Beyond the Curve documentary lab, these seven short films capture their creators’ perspectives on the pandemic’s multifaceted impacts in Quebec.

The Curve

The Curve is the pulse of our nation, beating in its own time during this unprecedented time. Our creators, with their talent and creativity, are bringing to life the voice of Canadians touched by Covid-19, both near and far.

The Curve is an online destination where these experiences will be expressed in animation, documentary and digital storytelling formats.

Philip Eddolls

Philip Eddolls
Philip Eddolls is a director and co-owner of Stop Motion Department, a young boutique stop-motion animation studio in Toronto. He has worked on feature films such as The Little Prince, and numerous ad campaigns, and is currently completing short films for Zacharias Kunuk and PBS. He is an alumnus of the NFB’s Hothouse 5, where he made Git Gob (2009), one of the most popular films (by online views) from the Hothouse program.

Malcolm Sutherland

Malcolm Sutherland
Malcolm Sutherland has been directing and animating for over a decade, creating short films, music videos, television series, web animations, comic books, and much more. He’s been described as “one of the brightest indie Canadian animators alive today,” his films have received awards at major animation and film festivals around the world and his work has been showcased by the likes of Sundance Channel, McSweeney’s, Animation World Network, Motionographer, Pictoplasma and many other global media outlets.

Lillian Chan

Lillian Chan
Lillian Chan is an animation filmmaker and creative director who loves to doodle. Past projects include the award-winning children’s film Jaime Lo, Small and Shy (NFB, 2007), an educational short for TEDed, and a VR prototype for the CFC Medialab. Her commercial clients includeDisneyXD, Nelvana, Guru Studiosand Mozilla. She often works with her composer husband, John Poon, making mostly silly content for kids, of which they have two. Lillian also animated on the 2016 feature animation film Window Horses.

Ho Che Anderson

Ho Che Anderson
Named for Ho Chi Minh and Che Guevera, Ho Che Anderson is an illustrator and graphic artist, most renowned for his three-part graphic novel King, inspired by the life of Martin Luther King. He’s won two Harvey awards, for Best New Talent in 1991 and Best Graphic Album in 1993, and was once a reporter for the Toronto Star. Other books include Godhead, Sand and Fury, and Scream Queen.