A tribute to the late Pat Schulz, a feisty working-class heroine. Known since the '50s for her battles for human rights and her fight for workers' rights in the labour movement, Schulz became one of Toronto's most respected feminists. She led the struggle for day care, equal pay, and other issues central to the women's movement. By focusing on her life, this documentary gives a historical view of the women's movement: its roots, the early issues, current concerns, and emerging directions.
A tribute to the late Pat Schulz, a feisty working-class heroine. Known since the '50s for her battles for human rights and her fight for workers' rights in the labour movement, Schulz became one of Toronto's most respected feminists. She led the struggle for day care, equal pay, and other issues central to the women's movement. By focusing on her life, this documentary gives a historical
view of the women's movement: its roots, the early issues, current concerns, and emerging directions.
Compare and contrast the issues of First Wave feminists (those who were at the forefront of the women’s movement in the 1960s) with the concerns of millennial feminists today. Through inquiry, establish how anyone can be a feminist and how gender is or is not relevant. Define intersectionality and address how this informs contemporary feminist issues. Address whether or not women have acquired greater social power since this documentary was made—provide examples to support your position.
Worth Every Minute, Catherine Macleod & Lorraine Segato, provided by the National Film Board of Canada