This feature film in two parts is an exploration of the women’s suffrage movement. Spearheaded by women like Emmeline Pankhurst, founder of the Women's Social and Political Union, the Suffragettes realized they would have to become radical and militant if the movement was going to be effective. There followed many demonstrations, and imprisonments until the women’s vote was finally granted, in 1918 (Britain) and 1919 (Canada, except Quebec.)
This feature film in two parts is an exploration of the women’s suffrage movement. Spearheaded by women like Emmeline Pankhurst, founder of the Women's Social and Political Union, the Suffragettes realized they would have to become radical and militant if the movement was going to be effective. There followed many demonstrations, and imprisonments until the women’s vote was finally granted, in 1918 (Britain) and 1919 (Canada, except Quebec.)
Research which women were excluded from receiving the vote in 1919. Compare and contrast the gender roles and perceptions of women over the course of Canada’s history from 1900 to present. What opportunities did women have at this time to challenge these societal norms? Investigate how global events, like World War I, impact the suffrage movement. Research one of Canada’s suffragettes and create an editorial on or by her.
Women on the March, Douglas Tunstell, provided by the National Film Board of Canada