If there were life on the moon, what would it be like? Here is a film animator's concept, and stranger beings you never saw. In this moon valley (actually a patch of the Alberta badlands with superimposed animated drawings) the creatures that appear on the scene are unlike any familiar to our Earth-oriented view, and their movements are equally strange. But what they do has a familiar look to it. A film without words.
If there were life on the moon, what would it be like? Here is a film animator's concept, and stranger beings you never saw. In this moon valley (actually a patch of the Alberta badlands with superimposed animated drawings) the creatures that appear on the scene are unlike any familiar to our Earth-oriented view, and their movements are equally strange. But what they do has a familiar look to it. A film without words.
Valley of the Moon, Ron Webber, provided by the National Film Board of Canada