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Quelques histoires

2018 8 min
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Quelques histoires suit un groupe de jeunes Autochtones de la région de Nipissing (Nbisiing) qui se réunissent au North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre et explorent l’importance et l’impact des histoires dans leur vie

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Quelques histoires
  • Urbains.Autochtones.Fiers
    2018 5 films
    Urbains.Autochtones.Fiers est un partenariat entre l’Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC) et l’Office national du film du Canada (ONF), qui vise la réalisation de films. Favorisant une approche communautaire, l’OFIFC et l’ONF ont produit cinq courts métrages documentaires réalisés par des cinéastes autochtones qui explorent la culture et le vécu des Autochtones en milieu urbain dans les centres d’amitié de cinq communautés.


Quelques histoires suit un groupe de jeunes Autochtones de la région de Nipissing (Nbisiing) qui se réunissent au North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre et explorent l’importance et l’impact des histoires dans leur vie

  • script
    Clayton Windatt
  • co-direction
    Clayton Windatt
  • production
    Sarah Charles-DeCarlo
  • executive producer
    André Picard
    Anita Lee
  • delegate producer
    Kate Vollum
  • photography directing
    Lindsay Sarazin
  • location sound
    Jacob Dayfox
  • editing
    Sarah Charles-DeCarlo
  • animation
    Clayton Windatt
  • sound editor
    Anthony Wallace
  • sound design
    Sarah Charles-DeCarlo
  • supplementary footage
    Bradley Trudeau
    Sarah Charles-DeCarlo
  • additional sound
    Sarah Charles-DeCarlo
    Tammy Lin Foreman
  • None
    Jacob White
  • administration
    Isabelle Limoges
  • production coordinator
    Gabrielle Dupont
    Max Wolfond
  • technical coordinator
    Daniel Lord
    Kevin Riley
  • director, Business Development, Institutional Program
    Julie Huguet
  • coordinator, Institutional Program
    Marcia Seebaran
  • producer
    Lea Marin
  • manager, studio operations
    Mark Wilson
  • production supervisor
    Marcus Matyas
  • editing assistant
    William Mitchell
  • online editing
    Serge Verreault
  • sound mixer
    Serge Boivin
  • infographics
    Cynthia Ouellet
  • subtitling
    Zoé Major
  • technician
    Isabelle Painchaud
    Patrick Trahan
    Pierre Dupont
  • marketing
    Charles Pease
    Kelly Fox
  • media relation
    Jennifer Mair
  • networking agent
    Donna Cowan
  • marketing manager, Community projects
    Jane Gutteridge
  • legal services
    Christian Pitchen
  • titles design
    Aimée Rochard
  • participant
    Serena Koostachin
    Simon Mathias
    Roger Assiniwe
    Agnes Iahtail
    Justice Martin
    Keenan Mitchell
    Victoria Sam
    Kaneisha Echum

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Ages 14 to 18
School subjects

This documentary can inspire research, discussion, projects and entry points for further learning about First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in urban contexts. How do stories teach culture? What is the significance of oral traditions within First Nations, Inuit or Métis peoples context? What methods have been and can be used to share stories beyond the written form? Have advances in communication technology heightened the value of orality? In a culture that values orality, is a spoken promise as powerful as one that has been written? And who decides its value? How does all of society benefit when First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples are treated with respect and dignity? How can the collective nature of worldviews that value a holistic relationship with the land and people benefit all of Canadian society? What are the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action and have they been followed through with? How can we make the space to be better Canadians in terms of relationships with First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples?