In this animated short, cartoonist Zviane comes across an old audiocassette while packing up before a move. Just the sight of the tape plunges her back into her childhood fantasies and her perceptions of the world. But the reality of what's on the tape results in a hilarious episode that questions just how "sweet" childhood really is. This film is part of the Comic Strip Chronicles, a collection of shorts celebrating the strong affinity between comic strips and animated film. Inspired by moments of everyday life, these films showcase the playful imaginations of renowned artists Guy Delisle, Zviane, Aude Picault, …
In this animated short, cartoonist Zviane comes across an old audiocassette while packing up before a move. Just the sight of the tape plunges her back into her childhood fantasies and her perceptions of the world. But the reality of what's on the tape results in a hilarious episode that questions just how "sweet" childhood really is.
Cartoonist Zviane comes across an old cassette tape from her childhood, and she’s excited to listen to what she sounded like as a young child. Viewers will be surprised to hear what’s on the tape, and the title Sweet Childhood seems ironic when we listen to the subject matter she recorded when she was younger. Hilarious, but may be thought of as inappropriate for a classroom setting. Potential questions include: What ideas do we have about our younger selves that might be untrue? What forms of technology do you have from your childhood that have become obsolete? Research ways for obsolete forms of family storytelling or documentation (film, cassette, VHS) to be transferred to current technologies for future generations.