This drama tells the harrowing story of an immigrant family in the New World. On arrival in Canada, their hopes for a better life were dashed when immigration officials refused to grant entry to their daughter. During a routine medical examination it was found that Kasia had contracted an infectious eye disease. She is separated from her family and sent back to Europe alone.
This drama tells the harrowing story of an immigrant family in the New World. On arrival in Canada, their hopes for a better life were dashed when immigration officials refused to grant entry to their daughter. During a routine medical examination it was found that Kasia had contracted an infectious eye disease. She is separated from her family and sent back to Europe alone.
Warnings: Theme of family separation may be triggering for some students based on immigration experiences; young child’s genitals are briefly shown being washed.
Describe the conditions on the ship that brought immigrants to Canada. Research Canada’s current immigration system. Could a similar situation to that of Kasia’s family be experienced today in Canada? Describe emotions that would have been experienced by different family members throughout this experience (arrival in Canada, medical diagnosis, family separation). What are some of the push/pull factors that would have led Kasia’s family to Canada rather than somewhere else?