This animated short features Leonard, a 6-year-old boy with the unusual hobby of collecting sounds. Transforming household noises around him into exciting fantasies, he creates an adventure story for his older brother in which knights chase away monsters and perform other daring deeds.
This animated short features Leonard, a 6-year-old boy with the unusual hobby of collecting sounds. Transforming household noises around him into exciting fantasies, he creates an adventure story for his older brother in which knights chase away monsters and perform other daring deeds.
Brief “lesson launcher type” activity or a series of inquiry questions with a bit of context:
An animated film outlining the experience of two children stuck in the house and trying to make the best of a boring day. Seymour has a difficult time understanding Leo’s game at first. What do you think convinces him to take part in the storytelling? How can being “bored” or stuck inside encourage imagination? Does this style of animation remind you of anything? Why might the filmmaker have chosen to use some realistic images, such as the magazine cut-outs, but also some unrealistic images, such as an exaggerated size of hands?