This film recreates the true story of Tom Sukanen, an eccentric Finnish immigrant who homesteaded in Saskatchewan in the 1920s and 1930s. Sukanen spent ten years building and moving overland a huge iron ship that was to carry him back to his native Finland. The ship never reached water.
This film recreates the true story of Tom Sukanen, an eccentric Finnish immigrant who homesteaded in Saskatchewan in the 1920s and 1930s. Sukanen spent ten years building and moving overland a huge iron ship that was to carry him back to his native Finland. The ship never reached water.
Brief “lesson launcher type” activity or a series of inquiry questions with a bit of context:
A recreation of the story of Tom Sukanen, a Finnish man who spent 10 years making a ship to bring him back to Finland, which never reached the water. How would being separated from his wife and baby influence his desire to build this boat and continue over time? How might it have felt to be a Finnish immigrant in Saskatchewan during the 1920s? Conduct some research to determine how many immigrants came from Finland to Canada during this time period compared to today. Why do you think the numbers may have changed?
Shipbuilder, Stephen Surjik, provided by the National Film Board of Canada