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Selkirk of Red River

1964 28 min
Leaving soon

This film tells the story of the Red River settlement, now the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The pioneer venture of Thomas Douglas, Earl of Selkirk, to establish a colony brought opposition from the North West Company, the Hudson's Bay Company’s powerful rival. A fine cast of actors portrays the ensuing dispute.

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Selkirk of Red River
  • The History Makers
    The History Makers
    1959 - 1964 3 editions
    From the most intrepid explorers to the fathers of Confederation, this series of 17 half-hour episodes tells the compelling early history of our great country.


This film tells the story of the Red River settlement, now the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The pioneer venture of Thomas Douglas, Earl of Selkirk, to establish a colony brought opposition from the North West Company, the Hudson's Bay Company’s powerful rival. A fine cast of actors portrays the ensuing dispute.

  • director
    Richard Gilbert
  • producer
    Richard Gilbert
  • executive producer
    Guy Glover
  • camera
    Denis Gillson
  • sound
    Leo O'Donnell
    George Croll
  • editing
    Dennis Sawyer
  • sound editing
    Marguerite Payette
  • cast
    Marigold Charlesworth
    Robert Eddison
    Gary Files
    John Horton
    Charles Palmer
    Jean Scheler
    Michael Sarrazin

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Ages 14 to 15
School subjects
This film can be screened in history class to illustrate the early days of colonization in Canada. The teacher may also want to use the film to explore historical topics such as the Seven Oaks Massacre. Students can also use it as the starting point for a research project on the Earl of Selkirk.
Selkirk of Red River
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Licencing information

Home licence (worldwide); Classroom licence (Canada only)

You may download this film for private, personal or classroom use only. Public screenings and institutional (non-educational institutions) uses are not permitted. Download films in standard or high definition. (Please note that bonus materials are not available for DTO films.) You can copy each file up to 5 (five) times, onto various devices. DTO films cannot be hosted on a streaming server. To add DTO films to an institutional or educational streaming server, please contact a sales agent to discuss pricing.

Institutional licence

The institutional price includes the rights to screen this film in institutional settings and in free public screenings.