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La route du paradis

Ce court documentaire symphonique présente un aperçu de la coexistence religieuse unique qu’on observe sur la route 5 à Richmond, en Colombie-Britannique.

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Ce court documentaire symphonique présente un aperçu de la coexistence religieuse unique qu’on observe sur la route 5 à Richmond, en Colombie-Britannique. La route du paradis nous conduit à l’intérieur de plusieurs des lieux de culte — temples, mosquées, églises — établis en bordure de la route, et nous révèle l’unité qui règne, malgré les différences, entre ces divers espaces culturels. Dans un monde aux prises avec la violence et l’intolérance religieuses, la cinéaste Sandra Ignagni brosse en douceur le portrait d’un improbable paysage à l’aide d’images soignées assorties d’une trame sonore composée de prières.

  • participation
    Centre islamique Az-Zahraa /Académie isl
    Église évangélique formosane de Vancouve
    Centre culturel indien du Canada/ Gurdwa
    Kingswood Pub
    Temple bouddhiste Ling Yen Mountain
    Club de golf Mylora Executive
    École juive de Richmond
    Gendarmerie royale du Canada - Détacheme
    Monastère bouddhiste tibétain Thrangu
    Église évangélique Trinity Pacific
    Centre culturel védique
  • script
    Sandra Ignagni
  • direction
    Sandra Ignagni
  • production
    Shirley Vercruysse
  • delegate producer
    Teri Snelgrove
  • None
    Jennifer Roworth
    Mikah Sharkey
    Odessa Shuquaya
  • photography directing
    Andrew Coppin
  • editing
    Milena Salazar
  • sound design
    Eva Madden
  • location sound
    Lisa Kolisnyk
    David Pullmer
  • camera operator
    Eva Brownstein
  • chief electrician
    Paul Murakami
  • stage hand
    Chalane Hayward
  • production coordinator
    Kristyn Stilling
  • technical coordinator
    Wes Machnikowski
  • production assistant
    Josephine Anderson
    Ahmad Ali Jaffer
    Sayyidah Jaffer
    Hoi Bing Mo
    Milena Salazar
    Baljit Sangra
  • graphics
    Tim Linklater
  • colorist
    Lionel Barton
  • subtitling
    Zoé Major
  • sound mixer
    Greg Stewart
    Joe Watts
  • project participant
    Abba Brodt
    Dale Burdhial
    Chris Carmichael
    Carol Day
    Kevin Krygier
    Bill McNulty
    Savitri Narayan
    Harold Steves
    Justin Tse
  • development mentorship
    J.P. Sniadecki
    Brett Story
  • UnionDocs Center for Documentary Art - summer intensive
    Christopher Allen
    Lucila Moctezuma
    Martha Shane
  • marketing
    Kay Rondonneau
  • media relation
    Katja De Bock
  • administration
    Carla Jones
  • executive producer
    Shirley Vercruysse
  • executive director
    Michelle van Beusekom


Ages 12 to 18
School subjects

Brief “lesson launcher type” activity or a series of inquiry questions with a bit of context. 

Brief snapshot documentary exploring a one-mile stretch of road in British Columbia that has a great diversity of religious buildings, as well as other establishments. As you watch the documentary, think about which buildings or establishments were familiar to you. Which were new to you? Is the presence of all these buildings on a one-mile stretch of highway a unique aspect of Canadian society? Why or why not? The style of this documentary is unique. Describe what the goal of the documentary filmmaker may have been and how she planned to achieve it. What elements of documentary filmmaking did she use? Which elements did she leave out? Why?