In this feature length film Gary Burns, Canada's king of surreal comedy, joins journalist Jim Brown on an outing to the suburbs. Venturing into territory both familiar and foreign, they turn the documentary genre inside out, crafting a vivid account of life in The Late Suburban Age.
In this feature length film Gary Burns, Canada's king of surreal comedy, joins journalist Jim Brown on an outing to the suburbs. Venturing into territory both familiar and foreign, they turn the documentary genre inside out, crafting a vivid account of life in The Late Suburban Age.
Warnings: language
Debate or discuss the following statements:
What is your reaction to the facts presented in the graphics? For example, on average, North Americans drive the equivalent of 55 eight-hour days every year; adults in the suburbs are 6.3 pounds heavier, on average; half of the people in North America do not have access to a car.
Create a pros and cons chart about raising a family in the suburbs. Discuss or write about the future of suburbia.
Radiant City, Gary Burns & Jim Brown, provided by the National Film Board of Canada