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Le poids du monde

Dans ce documentaire, un spécialiste de l'obésité nous démontre hors de tout doute que notre société a créé elle-même l'environnement toxique dans lequel nous évoluons : malbouffe, culture dominée par l'automobile, étalement urbain et technologies qui incitent à la sédentarisation.

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Dans ce documentaire, un spécialiste de l'obésité nous démontre hors de tout doute que notre société a créé elle-même l'environnement toxique dans lequel nous évoluons : malbouffe, culture dominée par l'automobile, étalement urbain et technologies qui incitent à la sédentarisation.

  • None
    Glynis Whiting
    Doug Blackley
    Gael MacLean
    Peter Fisher
    John Bailey
    Bill Stunden
    Steve Leech
    David Doherty
    Greg Bruce
    Sandy Bourque
    Maureen Prentice
    Hélène Morency
    Cliff Spicer
    Michael Bennet
    June Hall
    Kathryn Lynch
    Bruce Hagerman
  • direction
    Glynis Whiting
  • producer
    Michael Allder
    Tracey Friesen
  • narration
    Christian Bernard
  • senior editor
    Stuart De Jong
  • cinematography
    Derek Kennedy
    Ken Hewlett
  • animation
    Philip Street
    John Fraser
  • set design
    Jacques Raphoz
  • associate director
    Renée Moreau Burns
  • additional editing
    R. Neil Thompson
  • visual research
    Gina Cali
  • location sound recorder
    Sanjay Mehta
    Peter Kettlewell
    Brent Caulkin
    Bjorn Thisell
    Jeff Henschel
  • lighting director
    Tony Hammond
    Rob Nicholson
  • lighting
    Janice Fraser
    Tyler Davidson
    Sinisa Mitrovic
    Tony Connor
    Martin Devenyi
  • switcher
    Pat Conley
  • studio recording
    Brett Manion
  • video
    Janet Westheuser
  • staging crewleader
    Ken Gray
    Chris Papadopoulos
  • set decorator
    Romke DeVos
    Brad Lemee
  • composition
    Bill Smith
    Bill Couto
    Wayne Belvin
    Mike Garstang
    Rick Lyon
  • makeup
    Sandi Sokol
  • graphics design consultant
    Terry O'Neill
  • painting
    Hélène Morency
  • storyboard
    Gary Pearson
  • assistant film editor
    Kelsey Whiting-Hewlett
  • online editor
    Allan Pinvidic
  • VTR
    Anthony Chung-King
    Karen Donelly
  • program assistant
    Jill Kinsella
  • assistant to executive producer
    Erin Rayner
  • production clerk
    Christine Sears
  • assistant to the production manager
    Lana Gudlaugson
    Molly Asseltine
  • translator
    Ebba K. Pate
  • transcription typist
    Pamela Pellegrini
  • post services
    Finale Editworks
  • sound services
    Post Modern Sound
  • re-recording mixer
    Mark Hensley
    Ian Emberton
  • sound editing
    Tony Gort
    Stephen Cheung
  • sound effects creation
    Rick Senechal
    Michael Keeping
  • motion control
    Carousel Video Workshop
  • executive producer
    Michael Allder
    Rina Fraticelli
    Graydon McCrea


Ages 10 to 17
School subjects
Pre-viewing: How much do your students know about obesity, its causes and dangerous effects on personal health? Are they aware that obesity has reached epidemic proportions? Post-viewing: Discuss all the factors that have led to increased rates of obesity. What can we, as a society, do to turn this trend around? Suggest some changes you could make in your own life to avoid health issue later on. A complement to this film could be the feature film, Supersize Me, produced by Morgan Spurlocke. A summative essay could be assigned to collate both sources of information.
Le poids du monde
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