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2004 12 min
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This animated film about blind prejudice is based on a short story by Canadian author Wilma Riley. Mrs. Cherwak is Polish and owns a cow. Mrs. Meuser is a German with entrenched notions of cleanliness. She does not appreciate the cow's inevitable by-product. The film describes their conflict and its curious resolution over coffee and mincemeat pie. While the author chose to write about the Germans and the Poles she grew up with on the outskirts of Regina, the situation she describes could apply anywhere in the world.

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This animated film about blind prejudice is based on a short story by Canadian author Wilma Riley. Mrs. Cherwak is Polish and owns a cow. Mrs. Meuser is a German with entrenched notions of cleanliness. She does not appreciate the cow's inevitable by-product. The film describes their conflict and its curious resolution over coffee and mincemeat pie. While the author chose to write about the Germans and the Poles she grew up with on the outskirts of Regina, the situation she describes could apply anywhere in the world.

  • design
    Sheldon Cohen
  • animation
    Sheldon Cohen
  • direction
    Sheldon Cohen
  • producer
    Caroline Leaf
  • original music
    Alex Pauk
  • voice
    Hanna Poznanska
    Suzanne Roth
  • background rendering and colour - supervision
    Elaine Gasco
  • background rendering and colour - assistant
    France Trudeau
  • assistant animator
    George Ungar
  • colour rendering
    Colette Brière
    Maggie Macaulay
    Gabriel Caya
    John Churchill
  • checking
    Nancy Crossgrove
  • animation camera
    Jacques Avoine
    Raymond Dumas
    Pierre Landry
  • sound editing
    Jackie Newell
  • post-sync effects
    Ken Page
  • music recording
    Guy Rhéaume
  • re-recording
    Jean-Pierre Joutel
  • scripting
    Sheldon Cohen
    Caroline Leaf
  • unit administrator
    Diane Bergeron
  • executive producer
    David Verrall
    Douglas MacDonald

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Ages 11 to 17
School subjects
Have students write a fable, draw a cartoon or make an animated movie of their own to demonstrate a similar moral (dangers of prejudice and the rewards of loving one's neighbour).
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Home licence (worldwide); Classroom licence (Canada only)

You may download this film for private, personal or classroom use only. Public screenings and institutional (non-educational institutions) uses are not permitted. Download films in standard or high definition. (Please note that bonus materials are not available for DTO films.) You can copy each file up to 5 (five) times, onto various devices. DTO films cannot be hosted on a streaming server. To add DTO films to an institutional or educational streaming server, please contact a sales agent to discuss pricing.

Institutional licence

The institutional price includes the rights to screen this film in institutional settings and in free public screenings.