In this short animation film, a magnificent bird performs for the Emperor inside a glittering palace. Its plumage is a blaze of colour. A blackbird, watching enviously, strives to acquire what he so desperately covets, only to discover that a golden cage can’t compete with the open skies.
In this short animation film, a magnificent bird performs for the Emperor inside a glittering palace. Its plumage is a blaze of colour. A blackbird, watching enviously, strives to acquire what he so desperately covets, only to discover that a golden cage can’t compete with the open skies.
Brief “lesson launcher type” activity or a series of inquiry questions with a bit of context:
An animated film about the adventures of a bird seeking recognition from others. No dialogue; music and sound effects with animation.
How does the contrast between the backdrop of the palace and the characters/birds create visual interest?
The bird wants to look more colourful, and in the process of trying to obtain the materials for the costume, he disrupts many around him. Have you ever had an experience where you had to take from someone? How did it make you feel? How did others react to your actions?
The bird wants to be acknowledged as beautiful, and when he is, he is captured. Do you think this is what he had in mind? Why or why not?
What makes the bird appreciate his own beauty by the end of the film? What lesson can we learn from the bird’s experience?
Paradise, Ishu Patel, provided by the National Film Board of Canada