This short documentary recounts the story of a man in search of a lost paradise. At times his life seems thankless, unmanageable and repetitive, even a cause for shame. Because of his debts, Richard has given up on some of his dreams, and he thinks back. He was four when his parents left their mobile home and fell on hard times. But he was still a carefree little boy, and that is the age and stage he would like to rediscover. Returning to Acadia, he sets out to track down the family’s trailer. By comparing his memories with those of …
This short documentary recounts the story of a man in search of a lost paradise. At times his life seems thankless, unmanageable and repetitive, even a cause for shame. Because of his debts, Richard has given up on some of his dreams, and he thinks back. He was four when his parents left their mobile home and fell on hard times. But he was still a carefree little boy, and that is the age and stage he would like to rediscover. Returning to Acadia, he sets out to track down the family’s trailer. By comparing his memories with those of his siblings, he tries to regain his strength and learn to live again. Or perhaps his goal is to break his streak of bad luck.
This documentary short was produced as part of the Tremplin program, which enables young Francophone filmmakers to make a first production in a professional context. In French with English subtitles.
This documentary was made as part of the Tremplin program, with the collaboration of Radio-Canada.