In this animated film for five- to eight-year-olds, a group of schoolchildren are amazed to discover that one of their classmates does not have enough to eat. With the help of their teacher, the children come to understand that his hardship affects them all and that the fight against poverty requires solidarity and sharing. Film without words.
In this animated film for five- to eight-year-olds, a group of schoolchildren are amazed to discover that one of their classmates does not have enough to eat. With the help of their teacher, the children come to understand that his hardship affects them all and that the fight against poverty requires solidarity and sharing. Film without words.
In this short wordless animated film, a child comes to school with no lunch. The class learns that hunger affects us all. Reference is made to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Why do children go hungry? Is there enough food for everyone? How can we help make sure there is food available for all children? How does poverty impact child hunger?