This short documentary demonstrates how international aid works, or fails to work, in the transfer of technology from a more to a less industrialized society. In the late 1970s, the government of Ghana, with the help of the Canadian International Development Agency, drilled wells and installed hand-operated pumps in many of the African country’s villages in an effort to provide a clean and convenient water supply. The film explores the relationships between people, environment, technology and nations of varying levels of industrialization from a decidedly Western perspective.
This short documentary demonstrates how international aid works, or fails to work, in the transfer of technology from a more to a less industrialized society. In the late 1970s, the government of Ghana, with the help of the Canadian International Development Agency, drilled wells and installed hand-operated pumps in many of the African country’s villages in an effort to provide a clean and convenient water supply. The film explores the relationships between people, environment, technology and nations of varying levels of industrialization from a decidedly Western perspective.
Not Far from Bolgatanga, Michael Rubbo & Barrie Howells, provided by the National Film Board of Canada