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New release

North China Factory

1980 56 min
Leaving soon

This documentary from 1980 depicts a factory community in China where over 6000 workers process, spin and weave raw cotton into 90 million yards of high-quality cloth per year. Also seen are the workers' residential, social, recreational and educational facilities, all located on factory property. The film presents an engrossing study of a lifestyle that is very different from that of the Western world.

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North China Factory


This documentary from 1980 depicts a factory community in China where over 6000 workers process, spin and weave raw cotton into 90 million yards of high-quality cloth per year. Also seen are the workers' residential, social, recreational and educational facilities, all located on factory property. The film presents an engrossing study of a lifestyle that is very different from that of the Western world.

  • director
    Tony Ianzelo
    Boyce Richardson
  • producer
    Tom Daly
  • executive producer
    Barrie Howells
  • photography
    Tony Ianzelo
  • sound
    Hans Oomes
  • editing
    Ginny Stikeman
  • sound editing
    Margaret Wong
  • narrator
    Donald Sutherland

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Ages 14 to 17
School subjects
Have a discussion with students about the lifestyle depicted in this film. Would students agree that this factory is its own little world where there is never a need to go beyond its gates? One can get everything there, from daycare to a university-level education. In a written response, have students write why it would be appealing to work at this place and why it wouldn't. The teacher should arrange an outing for the class to visit a textile factory so students can see the spinning and weaving of a raw material into a finished product.
North China Factory
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Home licence (worldwide); Classroom licence (Canada only)

You may download this film for private, personal or classroom use only. Public screenings and institutional (non-educational institutions) uses are not permitted. Download films in standard or high definition. (Please note that bonus materials are not available for DTO films.) You can copy each file up to 5 (five) times, onto various devices. DTO films cannot be hosted on a streaming server. To add DTO films to an institutional or educational streaming server, please contact a sales agent to discuss pricing.

Institutional licence

The institutional price includes the rights to screen this film in institutional settings and in free public screenings.