Filmed in the town of Normétal in northern Québec, this short documentary provides a first-hand introduction to life in a frontier mining community where all roads lead to the pithead. Dweller of two worlds, the copper miner's life is one of contrasts. A mile underground are the rock face, the clattering drills, the dust of explosions; above ground, all the familiar activities of a small town.
Filmed in the town of Normétal in northern Québec, this short documentary provides a first-hand introduction to life in a frontier mining community where all roads lead to the pithead. Dweller of two worlds, the copper miner's life is one of contrasts. A mile underground are the rock face, the clattering drills, the dust of explosions; above ground, all the familiar activities of a small town.
What contributions does mining in Quebec have to Canada’s economy? Describe the working conditions of the mines in Normetal. Describe the steps used to extract the ore from the earth and prepare it for transport. Consider the multiplier effect in Normetal as a result of the mining industry. What other employment opportunities are created as a result of the mines? Evaluate the role that unions have in safeguarding the miners. What role do unions have in other industries? Research the town of Normetal today, focussing on employment, population size and industry.