The film explores the relationship between a woman and her grandfather, set against the indelible tragedy of the Second World War.
A young woman decides not to answer a phone call from her grandfather, unaware that it will be his last. When he dies, she is overwhelmed with guilt and regret and can’t sleep. But then she remembers a promise made long ago: to illustrate his wartime adventures as a member of the French Resistance.
In co-production with Picbois Productions.
Warnings: death, Holocaust, war
Prepare students in advance for the emotional content in the film.
Discussion: After viewing, ask students to recount the main events of Papi’s story. The narrator begins by wondering, “What could I have done to deserve so much love?” Based on what you have seen in the film, what conclusions can you draw? As a follow-up activity, ask someone in your family to tell you about a difficult time in their life and then create something to give them in appreciation. For example, a song, poem, illustration or digital photo collage.
My Yiddish Papi, Éléonore Goldberg, provided by the National Film Board of Canada