In The Mountain of SGaana, Haida filmmaker Christopher Auchter spins a magical tale of a young man who is stolen away to the spirit world, and the young woman who rescues him. The film brilliantly combines traditional animation with formal elements of Haida art, and is based on a story inspired by a old Haida fable.
In The Mountain of SGaana, Haida filmmaker Christopher Auchter spins a magical tale of a young man who is stolen away to the spirit world, and the young woman who rescues him. The film brilliantly combines traditional animation with formal elements of Haida art, and is based on a story inspired by a old Haida fable.
An animation inspired by a traditional Haida story would be ideal for introducing students to Haida art and storytelling. What elements of style are prominent in Haida art? How is animation an ideal film medium for telling this story? How does music evoke emotion and connect to the heart of the story? Research Haida repatriation and why First Nations cultural items were confiscated, stolen or destroyed. Why is it important that the Haida and other Indigenous Nations repatriate? Research how art, storytelling and music are all embedded into the cultural foundation of the Haida.
The Mountain of SGaana, Christopher Auchter, provided by the National Film Board of Canada