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New release

Le monde s'en fout

2012 1 h 19 min
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Dans ce long métrage documentaire, la réalisatrice Rosie Dransfeld examine l’univers impitoyable et dangereux des travailleuses du sexe d’Edmonton. En cette ère post-Pickton, où l’impensable s’incarne dans une macabre réalité, des femmes fournissent volontairement à la police des échantillons d’ADN en vue d’une éventuelle identification.

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This work deals with mature subject matter. Viewer discretion is advised.
Le monde s'en fout


Dans ce long métrage documentaire, la réalisatrice Rosie Dransfeld examine l’univers impitoyable et dangereux des travailleuses du sexe d’Edmonton. En cette ère post-Pickton, où l’impensable s’incarne dans une macabre réalité, des femmes fournissent volontairement à la police des échantillons d’ADN en vue d’une éventuelle identification.

This work deals with mature subject matter. Viewer discretion is advised.
  • direction
    Rosie Dransfeld
  • script
    Rosie Dransfeld
  • producer
    Bonnie Thompson
  • executive producer
    David Christensen

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Ages 17 to 17
School subjects
Introduce the concept of cinema vérité, and explain why this film is an excellent example of this documentary style. Discuss Project Care in Edmonton, how it is set up, and its purpose. Discuss how registering with Project Care is of benefit both to the girls and to the police, and why some girls are wary of this initiative. Have students suggest ways in which prostitution could be made safer and explore the various reasons why girls might enter the sex trade.
Le monde s'en fout
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Home licence (worldwide); Classroom licence (Canada only)

You may download this film for private, personal or classroom use only. Public screenings and institutional (non-educational institutions) uses are not permitted. Download films in standard or high definition. (Please note that bonus materials are not available for DTO films.) You can copy each file up to 5 (five) times, onto various devices. DTO films cannot be hosted on a streaming server. To add DTO films to an institutional or educational streaming server, please contact a sales agent to discuss pricing.

Institutional licence

The institutional price includes the rights to screen this film in institutional settings and in free public screenings.