Mary Two-Axe Earley : Je suis redevenue indienne témoigne de la percutante histoire d’une figure incontournable de la défense des droits des femmes au Canada : Mary Two-Axe Earley.
Mary Two-Axe Earley : Je suis redevenue indienne témoigne de la percutante histoire d’une figure incontournable de la défense des droits des femmes au Canada : Mary Two-Axe Earley. Pendant plus de 20 ans, Mary a lutté contre la discrimination sexuelle à l’égard des femmes des Premières Nations, en particulier dans la Loi sur les Indiens du gouvernement canadien.
This study guide will guide students in discussing and reflecting on the injustices and discrimination that the Indian Act has created for First Nations women. Students will also begin to consider how the injustices have a long-term impact on the lives of Indigenous women and girls. What it means to be an Indigenous person will also be reflected on. After watching this film, students should be able to identify and define Mary Two-Axe Earley as a leader of the Canadian women’s rights movement who challenged Canadian laws that discriminated against First Nations women. A follow-up action includes an activity that describes, illustrates, appreciates and honours Mary Two-Axe Earley’s contribution and legacy.