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New release

La marche à suivre

2014 1 h 15 min
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Ce long métrage documentaire présente un ensemble de tableaux sur la réalité parfois dure des jeunes d’une école secondaire située en région rurale. Soulignant le contraste entre l’encadrement en milieu scolaire et la liberté qu’offrent les grands espaces, le film révèle progressivement le drame secret qui se joue au cœur de l’adolescent, entre la fragilité et l’insouciance.

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This work deals with mature subject matter. Viewer discretion is advised.
La marche à suivre


Ce long métrage documentaire présente un ensemble de tableaux sur la réalité parfois dure des jeunes d’une école secondaire située en région rurale. Soulignant le contraste entre l’encadrement en milieu scolaire et la liberté qu’offrent les grands espaces, le film révèle progressivement le drame secret qui se joue au cœur de l’adolescent, entre la fragilité et l’insouciance.

This work deals with mature subject matter. Viewer discretion is advised.
  • research
    Jean-François Caissy
  • writing
    Jean-François Caissy
  • direction
    Jean-François Caissy
  • production
    Johanne Bergeron
  • None
    Nicolas Canniccioni
    Frédéric Bégin
    Julien Bilodeau
    Claire Bourbonnais
    Geneviève Bérard
    Catherine Benoît
    Pawel Karwowski
    Richard Cliche
  • picture editing
    Mathieu Bouchard-Malo
  • sound editing
    Simon Gervais
  • participant
    Josée Charest
    Claude Leblanc
    Annie Parent
    Émilie Savoie
    Yves Porlier
    Rock-David B.
    Samuel B.
    Émile B.
    Kim B. M.
    Justin B. V.
    Dave C.
    William D.
    Noémie D. A.
    Michael G.
    William M.
  • location sound
    Jean-François Caissy
  • supplementary footage
    Jean-François Caissy
  • online editing
    Yannick Carrier
  • titles
    Mélanie Bouchard
  • sound effects creation
    Alexis Farand
  • post-sync effects recording
    Geoffrey Mitchell
  • music recording
    Geoffrey Mitchell
  • sound editing - assistance
    Luc Bouchard
  • sound mixing
    Serge Boivin
  • music clearances
    Claire Bourbonnais
  • marketing officer
    François Jacques
  • administrator
    Sia Koukoulas
    Marie-Andrée Bonneau
  • production coordinator
    Hélène Regimbal
    Dominique Brunet
  • administrative assistant
    Perrine Bral
    Sophie Dupuis
  • executive producer in development
    Jacques Turgeon
  • executive producer
    Colette Loumède

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Ages 16 to 18
School subjects

Ideal for classes on bullying and adolescence. What is familiar about the high school depicted in this film? Discuss the role of high school in the lives of students. Identify common conflicts amongst youth and develop strategies to resolve them. What rules do the students in your school have to follow? What do students learn outside of the classroom? Describe the lives of teenagers when left to their own devices. Take a picture that tightly frames a scene.

La marche à suivre
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Home licence (worldwide); Classroom licence (Canada only)

You may download this film for private, personal or classroom use only. Public screenings and institutional (non-educational institutions) uses are not permitted. Download films in standard or high definition. (Please note that bonus materials are not available for DTO films.) You can copy each file up to 5 (five) times, onto various devices. DTO films cannot be hosted on a streaming server. To add DTO films to an institutional or educational streaming server, please contact a sales agent to discuss pricing.

Institutional licence

The institutional price includes the rights to screen this film in institutional settings and in free public screenings.