Le renard tanguy qui voulait sortir du placard
Manivald le renard vient d’avoir 33 ans. Surdiplômé, chômeur et plutôt coincé, il habite avec sa mère, une retraitée dominatrice : une vie facile, certes, mais terne. Cette dépendance mutuelle est toutefois chamboulée par une machine à laver en panne et un réparateur nommé Toomas, jeune loup sexy et aventurier venu à la rescousse.
Warnings: [Sexual themes and alcohol use.]
A humorous animated short exploring themes of sexuality, co-dependence and adulthood. Useful for classroom discussions, essays and assignments related to those topics. What do you believe is the symbolic significance of socks, coffee, and the marching band in the film? Do you think the meanings of these symbols change, or are their meanings consistent throughout? Write a piece exploring the thoughts and motivation of the three main characters (Manivald, his Mother, and the Wolf). What are your own thoughts on how themes of sexuality, relationships, identity, and co-dependence are portrayed in the film?