In this animated short, Ludovic the bear learns the meaning of friendship while evoking our memories of cherished childhood toys. Often left out of the winter fun because his parents deem him too young, Ludovic finally finds a playmate when a giant snowstorm strands a doll on his front lawn. He spends all his time with his new doll, which miraculously comes to life and provides him with the companionship he’d been longing for.
In this animated short, Ludovic the bear learns the meaning of friendship while evoking our memories of cherished childhood toys. Often left out of the winter fun because his parents deem him too young, Ludovic finally finds a playmate when a giant snowstorm strands a doll on his front lawn. He spends all his time with his new doll, which miraculously comes to life and provides him with the companionship he’d been longing for.