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Jump-up - Caribbean Carnival in Canada

1995 10 min
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A multicultural story that centers on the growing friendship of a newly-arrived West Indian child and a Canadian girl as they both discover how the black community organizes a yearly festival featuring costumes, music and a little history. This filmstrip introduces a festive occasion celebrated by the black community in several cities, sensitizes children to the feelings of those who have recently arrived in Canada, and fosters appreciation of the culture of others.

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Jump-up - Caribbean Carnival in Canada


A multicultural story that centers on the growing friendship of a newly-arrived West Indian child and a Canadian girl as they both discover how the black community organizes a yearly festival featuring costumes, music and a little history. This filmstrip introduces a festive occasion celebrated by the black community in several cities, sensitizes children to the feelings of those who have recently arrived in Canada, and fosters appreciation of the culture of others.

  • director
    Claire Helman
  • producer
    Joe MacDonald
  • executive producer
    Floyd Elliott
  • animation camera
    Matt Grabe
  • sound editing
    Danuta Klis
  • re-recording
    Louis Hone
  • narrator
    Maureen Hill

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Ages 6 to 12
School subjects


  • What was Lisa’s life like in the West Indies?
  • What was Lisa’s life like in Canada?
  • Create a Costume
    • Discuss the importance and cultural significance of costumes worn during Carnival. Have students discuss what types of costumes would represent them. Have your students pick another holiday that is special to them and draw costumes that would represent said day. 
Jump-up - Caribbean Carnival in Canada
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