This documentary travels deep into the mountains and deserts of Kurdistan, where armed female guerillas from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) defend Kurdish territory against ISIS. These women share their most intimate thoughts with filmmaker Zaynê Akyol, resulting in an immersive audience experience. By offering a window into this largely unknown world, the film exposes the hidden feminist face of a revolutionary group united by a common vision of freedom.
This documentary travels deep into the mountains and deserts of Kurdistan, where armed female guerillas from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) defend Kurdish territory against ISIS. These women share their most intimate thoughts with filmmaker Zaynê Akyol, resulting in an immersive audience experience. By offering a window into this largely unknown world, the film exposes the hidden feminist face of a revolutionary group united by a common vision of freedom.
Warnings: guns
Using a map, atlas or website, locate Kurdistan and find the region that is featured in this film, and note the surrounding countries. The film shows the camaraderie of the women in the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). What reasons would they have for joining a military group?
Around the 33-minute mark, Sazdar says, “Freedom begins with the woman.” Then she shares her thoughts on capitalism: “What does capitalism do, it reduces the people to nothing, it weakens and destroys their minds and souls. It creates robotic people.” Reflect on these comments or other comments from the film, and discuss your thoughts with the class. What questions do you have after watching the film?
Gulîstan, Land of Roses, Zaynê Akyol, provided by the National Film Board of Canada