This short documentary from The Grasslands Project zooms in on the Prairies' francophone minority. The southern Prairies are overwhelmingly anglophone, yet a strong and vibrant francophone population persists in the small rural communities that dot this landscape. Gravelbourg is considered the centre of French language and culture in the region, and this short film hears from the Fransaskois (a term combining French and Saskatchewan) on the challenges and future of their unique prairie culture.
This short documentary from The Grasslands Project zooms in on the Prairies' francophone minority. The southern Prairies are overwhelmingly anglophone, yet a strong and vibrant francophone population persists in the small rural communities that dot this landscape. Gravelbourg is considered the centre of French language and culture in the region, and this short film hears from the Fransaskois (a term combining French and Saskatchewan) on the challenges and future of their unique prairie culture.
A short documentary from The Grasslands Project featuring the francophone town of Gravelbourg, considered the centre of French language and culture in the region. Ideal for discussions, essays or research projects about French-speaking Canadian communities outside of Quebec. Did you know there were francophone communities in Saskatchewan? What provinces other than Quebec have francophone communities? What are some of the challenges identified in the film in sustaining a French language and culture outside of Quebec? What is the community of Gravelbourg doing to ensure francophone culture thrives for future generations?
The Grasslands Project - Les Fransaskois, Scott Parker, provided by the National Film Board of Canada