This short documentary from The Grasslands Project introduces us to nineteen-year-old Shawn Catherwood, who knew from a young age that he’d be a farmer. Many small communities are losing their young people, attracted to careers away from the farm. But it’s always been Shawn's dream to follow in the footsteps of his father, Ken. This film shows Shawn and his father as they navigate the coming generational change, while the audience is given insight into their deep love of the family farm.
This short documentary from The Grasslands Project introduces us to nineteen-year-old Shawn Catherwood, who knew from a young age that he’d be a farmer. Many small communities are losing their young people, attracted to careers away from the farm. But it’s always been Shawn's dream to follow in the footsteps of his father, Ken. This film shows Shawn and his father as they navigate the coming generational change, while the audience is given insight into their deep love of the family farm.
This short documentary from The Grasslands Project is about 19-year-old Shawn Catherwood and his father, and how Shawn is growing into the role of farmer. The film can be used to prompt class discussions, essays or research projects. Useful for exposing students to a variety of careers. Great starting point for research around the issue of young people leaving farming communities for other careers. What factors tend to keep young people in the farming communities they were raised in? What factors tend to lead to their departure?
The Grasslands Project - Generations, Scott Parker, provided by the National Film Board of Canada