"Human nature" is not fixed. We can, and do, reshape ourselves every time we change our culture. Nor is there anything natural or innate in male domination. In ancient Egyptian villages along the Nile, The Gods of Our Fathers explores the evolution of patriarchy as one effective way of organizing mass societies. The patriarchal order was not inevitable--it was merely functional. But the world is different now, and it's time to find alternatives to hierarchies and militarization.
"Human nature" is not fixed. We can, and do, reshape ourselves every time we change our culture. Nor is there anything natural or innate in male domination. In ancient Egyptian villages along the Nile, The Gods of Our Fathers explores the evolution of patriarchy as one effective way of organizing mass societies. The patriarchal order was not inevitable--it was merely functional. But the world is different now, and it's time to find alternatives to hierarchies and militarization.
Introduction to a feminist perspective of history and politics, useful for class discussion, essays and research projects. What is patriarchy, what did it replace, and how did it arise? Is there a difference between “patriarchy” and “sexism,” and if so, what is it? Has North American society made progress in addressing patriarchy since this film was produced? What else can be done? Discuss the presence of patriarchy in your life: school, family, work, hobbies, and in the media you consume.
The Gods of Our Fathers, Anne Henderson, provided by the National Film Board of Canada