A progress report on efforts to find new ways of feeding the Earth's swelling population. Water control, land redistribution and agricultural advances of all kinds are shown as examples of gains being made to stem the tide of hunger.
A progress report on efforts to find new ways of feeding the Earth's swelling population. Water control, land redistribution and agricultural advances of all kinds are shown as examples of gains being made to stem the tide of hunger.
Warnings: Animals being harmed (dead horse dragged through street, dolphin speared)
Discuss the historical strategies of food rationing to feed armies. Think critically about the view presented in the film that Canada and developed countries are rescuing developing countries from their struggles with hunger. What perspectives are missing from the film? Create a chart analyzing the costs and benefits involved in the strategies used to help developing countries. Notice the age and gender of the workforce; what issues of human rights arise? What are the impacts on the environment of the use of dams for irrigation, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and chemical fertilizers? Are countries working cooperatively today on the issue of world hunger? How are developing countries dealing with food hunger within their own borders? Has the United Nations made progress in the global struggle for food?