This animated short tells the story of Edouard Beaupré, a.k.a. the Willow Bunch Giant. At 2.5 m (8’ 3”), he was the tallest Canadian in history. Born in 1881 in a small Métis community south of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, his life was tragically cut short in 1904 while he was “on display” at the St. Louis World’s Fair.
This animated short tells the story of Edouard Beaupré, a.k.a. the Willow Bunch Giant. At 2.5 m (8’ 3”), he was the tallest Canadian in history. Born in 1881 in a small Métis community south of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, his life was tragically cut short in 1904 while he was “on display” at the St. Louis World’s Fair.
Warnings: Photographic image of Beaupré’s dead body on display.
In this animated short, we are introduced to Edouard Beaupré, “The Giant.” He was a Métis man from rural Saskatchewan who grew to be 2.5 m (8’ 3”) tall. Beaupré died at the St. Louis World Fair as a young man, part of a side show. Students can compare their own height to Beaupré’s and discuss the implications of being that tall in their daily life. Students could do research about side shows and the impact they have on society. Students could also explore what happened to Beaupré’s body after his death, and they could discuss the ethics of the actions taken.