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Etlinisigu'niet (Vidés de leur sang)

2015 5 min
Leaving soon

Réalisé dans le cadre de la série « Souvenir », le court métrage Etlinisigu’niet (Vidés de leur sang) de Jeff Barnaby pulvérise ce qui subsistait du mythe d’un Canada juste et équitable. Le message du réalisateur est clair : nous sommes toujours là. Les efforts en vue de « se débarrasser du problème indien » ont échoué.

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Etlinisigu'niet (Vidés de leur sang)


Réalisé dans le cadre de la série « Souvenir », le court métrage Etlinisigu’niet (Vidés de leur sang) de Jeff Barnaby pulvérise ce qui subsistait du mythe d’un Canada juste et équitable. Le message du réalisateur est clair : nous sommes toujours là. Les efforts en vue de « se débarrasser du problème indien » ont échoué.

  • direction
    Jeff Barnaby
  • producer
    Anita Lee
  • executive producer
    Anita Lee
  • editor
    Jeff Barnaby
  • delegate producer
    Kate Vollum
  • None
    Tanya Tagaq
    Jesse Zubot
    Jean Martin
    Mark Wilson
    Serena Lee
    Antonia Gueorguieva
    Jean Coulombe
    Pascal Vincent
    Aldo La Ricca
    William Holley
  • song - publisher
    Third Side Music Inc.
    Jesse Zubot
    Jean Martin
  • technical lead
    Marcus Matyas
  • editing assistant
    Tiffany Beaudin
    Zoya Rezaie
  • studio administrator
    Stefanie Brantner
  • production coordinator
    Jennifer Bertling
    Andrew Martin-Smith
  • marketing
    Melissa Wheeler
  • publicity
    Jennifer Mair
  • title design
    Sébastien Aubin
  • titles design
    Sébastien Aubin
  • online editing
    Laura Aqui
  • post-production services
    Fearless Films
  • stock footage
    Fred Savard
    Ragnhild Milewski
    Josée Riopel

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Ages 12 to 18
School subjects

A short film that can be used as a starting point for conversations that deepen an understanding of the long-term effects of the disregard for Indigenous lives and land. Research the common narrative of industry poisoning land and water that directly affects Indigenous livelihood. Research the legacy of nutritional experiments in residential schools. Research “Indian hospitals,” which segregated “Indians” during times of tuberculosis. Discuss and find examples of continued hatred and inequality that permeate the Canadian healthcare system when it comes to the treatment of Indigenous Peoples.

Etlinisigu'niet (Vidés de leur sang)
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Home licence (worldwide); Classroom licence (Canada only)

You may download this film for private, personal or classroom use only. Public screenings and institutional (non-educational institutions) uses are not permitted. Download films in standard or high definition. (Please note that bonus materials are not available for DTO films.) You can copy each file up to 5 (five) times, onto various devices. DTO films cannot be hosted on a streaming server. To add DTO films to an institutional or educational streaming server, please contact a sales agent to discuss pricing.

Institutional licence

The institutional price includes the rights to screen this film in institutional settings and in free public screenings.