Animated drawings illustrate the life and explorations of Samuel de Champlain, founder of Québec City. The film follows Champlain from his first ambitions to map the New World and discover a passage to the sea, to his later dreams for New France.
Animated drawings illustrate the life and explorations of Samuel de Champlain, founder of Québec City. The film follows Champlain from his first ambitions to map the New World and discover a passage to the sea, to his later dreams for New France.
students create a timeline of Samuel de Champlain's excursions. Map possible
routes traveled. Re-create journal entries based on the information and images
in the film. Have students present skits focusing on a certain event. Compare
the explorations of de Champlain and Jacques Cartier. What were the riches in
the Orient these men hoped to find? Discuss de Champlain's attitude toward and
treatment of the native people. How does it compare to later expeditions by
other countries?