This short film from director Donald Brittain tackles the subject of racial prejudice in employment, in a particularly witty fashion. It takes the form of a fantasy in the mythical country of Adanac, featuring arch bigot Jonathan Mole, Mrs. Platitude, Professor Short Sight and other characters.
This short film from director Donald Brittain tackles the subject of racial prejudice in employment, in a particularly witty fashion. It takes the form of a fantasy in the mythical country of Adanac, featuring arch bigot Jonathan Mole, Mrs. Platitude, Professor Short Sight and other characters.
Warnings: Representation of Indigenous Peoples (term “Indian,” etc.)
Retell the story of Jonathan Mole from different characters in the film. What are the roots of Jonathan Mole’s discontent? What parallels can be made to present-day society or other periods in history? What symbols are used in the film to convey the story? How is humour used throughout the film to point out the prejudice held by Mole and other Adanacs? Using a T-chart, list the views held by witnesses both for and against “Mr. Blue, Mr. Red, and Mr. White.” What origins of prejudice are presented in the film?
A Day in the Night of Jonathan Mole, Donald Brittain, provided by the National Film Board of Canada