Avec l’aide de femmes incarcérées et de militants de première ligne pour la défense des droits des détenus, Condamnation imagine des solutions de rechange à la prison.
Avec l’aide de femmes incarcérées et de militants de première ligne pour la défense des droits des détenus, Condamnation imagine des solutions de rechange à la prison. Non pas un autre film sur la « prison désocialisante », mais bien un film sur la « société brisée », cette collaboration reconstruit avec audace et ingéniosité notre communauté depuis l’intérieur. Le documentaire oblige le spectateur à se demander pourquoi nous emprisonnons les plus vulnérables, et à quel prix.
Warning: Alcohol and drug use, smoking, mentions and depictions of self-harm, some profanity, references to abuse and neglect, pregnancy, infant death.
Brief “lesson launcher type” activity or a series of inquiry questions with a bit of context.
This documentary follows several incarcerated women who work within the prison system in Nova Scotia to find alternative solutions to imprisonment at the federal and provincial level. Based on the experiences of the women we follow in this documentary, the recidivism rate seems fairly high. Research recidivism rates in your province. What services exist to support women who have been incarcerated, and are there enough to support the number of women who are incarcerated in your province? What services should exist? As the women work through their proposal for “From the Ground Up,” they encounter several roadblocks. Have other similar proposals or projects been successful in acquiring funding from either the provincial or federal governments? What steps did they need to take in order to be successful?