This short historical reenactment is a portrait of Canadian Father of Confederation Charles Tupper. The film harks back to a time when the idea of a federal union was still hotly debated, when it was unclear whether Nova Scotia would come in or remain out. It studies a bigger-than-life politician who won over both his bitterest opponent, Joseph Howe, and the people of this Maritime province, to finally lead Nova Scotia into the Canadian Confederation in 1867.
This short historical reenactment is a portrait of Canadian Father of Confederation Charles Tupper. The film harks back to a time when the idea of a federal union was still hotly debated, when it was unclear whether Nova Scotia would come in or remain out. It studies a bigger-than-life politician who won over both his bitterest opponent, Joseph Howe, and the people of this Maritime province, to finally lead Nova Scotia into the Canadian Confederation in 1867.
Consider viewing Joseph Howe: The Tribune of Nova Scotia first and note the changes that occur once Tupper becomes premier. What are some of the challenges to Confederation that are presented in this film? How accurate is this depiction? What arguments are presented in favour of Confederation? What benefit/disadvantage would this present for Maritime provinces such as Nova Scotia? Charles Tupper is named as one of the Fathers of Confederation. Research his contribution to ensuring Confederation occurred. Following Confederation, Tupper continues in politics. Research his contributions in Canada and abroad.
Charles Tupper: The Big Man, Morten Parker, provided by the National Film Board of Canada