This funny yet serious short film demonstrates the effectiveness of advertising and the marketing machine. Its comic appeal lies in the characters and the absurd situations they find themselves in, but it also shines a harsh light on our tendency towards needless consumerism prompted by a steady flow of commercials.
This funny yet serious short film demonstrates the effectiveness of advertising and the marketing machine. Its comic appeal lies in the characters and the absurd situations they find themselves in, but it also shines a harsh light on our tendency towards needless consumerism prompted by a steady flow of commercials.
the concept of satire. Pre-viewing: Discuss the impact of mass media on our
spending habits. Students should understand the manipulation that is involved
through advertising. Post-viewing: comment on the film's message; although the
film is dated, does its point still apply today? Elicit modern-day examples to
support their responses.
The Bronswik Affair, Robert Awad & André Leduc, provided by the National Film Board of Canada