This short film studies the works of one of Canada's greatest contemporary etchers - Newfoundland-born David Blackwood. The artist himself guides viewers through a step-by-step explanation of the etching process. Scenes of his hometown, examples of his own work and vivid tales of an old mariner recall the tragic seal hunts and a way of life that has now vanished.
This short film studies the works of one of Canada's greatest contemporary etchers - Newfoundland-born David Blackwood. The artist himself guides viewers through a step-by-step explanation of the etching process. Scenes of his hometown, examples of his own work and vivid tales of an old mariner recall the tragic seal hunts and a way of life that has now vanished.
Before viewing, create an anchor chart on Newfoundland, including its history, industry, culture and people. After viewing, add additional thoughts to the chart. What is the mood of the film? What is the connection between the painstaking process of printmaking and the stories of hardship in Blackwood's art? What message is he trying to convey? Discuss the impact of the narrator in the film. Have students make a drawing of a place that is significant to them using the line technique seen in the film. Experiment with printmaking using Styrofoam flats and paint, or silk-screening on cloth.
Blackwood, Tony Ianzelo & Andy Thomson, provided by the National Film Board of Canada