This short documentary investigates a perceived threat in the rural Maritimes following a deadly coyote attack in the Cape Breton wilderness. Locals react to the attack by concluding that a new super-species is infiltrating their communities: part coyote and part wolf. But is there any truth to this suspicion, or is the response the result of fear and rumours?
This short documentary investigates a perceived threat in the rural Maritimes following a deadly coyote attack in the Cape Breton wilderness. Locals react to the attack by concluding that a new super-species is infiltrating their communities: part coyote and part wolf. But is there any truth to this suspicion, or is the response the result of fear and rumours?
Analyze the characters’ reactions to the fear generated by Taylor Mitchell’s death. Can these same reactions be seen during other fear-inducing events (a terrorist attack, for example)? Research and discuss what is known about how fear affects humans both physically and cognitively. Does knowing this information change how students view the film’s characters? Examine and discuss how communities try to avoid human-wildlife interactions, such as with grizzly bears.