This adaptation of an ancient Inuit legend was filmed in Inuktitut and directed by Inuit filmmakers - making Atanarjuat the first feature film of its kind! Set in Igloolik, in Nunavut, this is "a powerful drama, not a documentary," reminds the director Kunuk. "It demystifies the exotic, otherwordly aboriginal stereotype by telling a universal story." The clothes, spears, kayaks, sunglasses and dwellings were all painstakingly researched. "We show how our ancestors dressed, how they handled their dog teams, how they argued and laughed.. confronted evil and fought back." Many enthusiastic viewers have compared this epic story to The Iliad. In …
This adaptation of an ancient Inuit legend was filmed in Inuktitut and directed by Inuit filmmakers - making Atanarjuat the first feature film of its kind!
Set in Igloolik, in Nunavut, this is "a powerful drama, not a documentary," reminds the director Kunuk. "It demystifies the exotic, otherwordly aboriginal stereotype by telling a universal story." The clothes, spears, kayaks, sunglasses and dwellings were all painstakingly researched. "We show how our ancestors dressed, how they handled their dog teams, how they argued and laughed.. confronted evil and fought back."
Many enthusiastic viewers have compared this epic story to The Iliad. In the words of one movie critic, "If Homer had been given a video camera, this is what he would have done!"
In Inuktitut, with English subtitles.
How does this film echo elements of the Hero’s Journey? Account for how conflict management is crucial to community survival in hunter-gatherer societies. The theme of exile occurs several times in the story—address how banishment serves as a powerful punishment for offenders in a nomadic society. Discuss the leadership role that Elders hold within Arctic Indigenous groups. From a filmmaker’s perspective, identify some of the challenges in filming this movie (e.g., lighting, setting, transportation, language fluency, etc.).
Atanarjuat the Fast Runner, Zacharias Kunuk, provided by the National Film Board of Canada