The Great Malaise
In the voiceover for this animated short, a young woman attempts to describe herself, casting her life in the ideal light that society expects. The film’s imagery, however, tells a different story, poignantly illustrating the intense anxiety that comes with the quest for perfection and the pursuit of happiness. A film that’s both funny and moving, and above all, profoundly human.
Awards and distinctions
Prix Hallé Location & Multiservices Luna- Coup de coeur du juryFestival Longue Vue sur le court, Montréal2021
Best in Category- AnimationInternational Film Festival, Brooklyn2021
Short Film AwardManchester Animation Festival (ONLINE), Manchester2020
Best Animated ShortInternational Film Festival (ONLINE), Calgary2020
prix Valois René Laloux du meilleur court métrage d’animationFestival du film francophone, Angoulême2020
Prix du publicSommets du cinéma d'animation, Montréal2019
Mention honorifiqueSommets du cinéma d'animation, Montréal2019