Roses Sing on New Snow
In this animated short, based on a story by Paul Yee, Maylin cooks mouth-watering meals at her father's restaurant in Chinatown, but her father and brothers take all the credit. When a dignitary from China visits and tastes one her dishes, Maylin finally earns recognition.
This film is part of the Talespinners collection, which uses vibrant animation to bring popular children’s stories from a wide range of cultural communities to the screen.
This film is part of the Talespinners collection, which uses vibrant animation to bring popular children’s stories from a wide range of cultural communities to the screen.
Awards and distinctions
Certificate of Excellence - Category: Animated short Film given by the Adult JuryInternational Children's Film Festival, Chicago2002
Honorable Mention - Category: Education and InformationInternational Film and Video Festival, Columbus2002