Rose & Violet
The animated short film Rose & Violet tells the story of two Conjoined twin sisters who are recruited as star acrobats in the world’s biggest circus. They seem bound for glory, but when a new strongman joins the troupe, a conflict turns tragic… Filmmakers Luc Otter and Claude Grosch employ a clever combination of 2D and digital cut-outs and clay animation in their exploration of the circus realm.
Awards and distinctions
Jury Award- Best AnimationDam Short Film Festival, Boulder2013
Best Mid-Length AnimationFestival internacional de Cine para Ninos / DIVERCINE, Montevideo2012
Best Animation FilmLëtzebuerger Filmpräis, Mondorf-les-Baies2012
Best AnimationVIEWFINDERS International Film Festival forYouth, Halifax2011