Ann Marie Fleming is an award-winning Canadian filmmaker who has explored a wide range of formats and genres, including animation, documentary, experimental film and fiction. Born on Japan’s Ryukyu Islands, Fleming now lives in Vancouver, Canada. Her films focus on themes of family, history and memory. She has completed 11 projects with the NFB, including New Shoes: An Interview in Exactly Five Minutes (1990), The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam (2003) and I Was a Child of Holocaust Survivors (2010). Fleming’s NFB animated feature Window Horses (2016) earned dozens of awards and accolades worldwide.
Apprivoisant la vie dans leur nouvelle terre d’accueil, des réfugiées syriennes récemment réinstallées au Canada ont des questions à poser. Réalisé par Anne Marie Fleming, l’une des cinéastes originales du projet Five Feminist Minutes.
A group of Syrian women, refugees recently resettled in Canada, are negotiating life in their new home. They have some questions. Directed by Anne Marie Fleming, one of the original FFM filmmakers.