One of the most acclaimed Indigenous directors in the world, Alanis Obomsawin came to cinema from performance and storytelling. Hired by the NFB as a consultant in 1967, she has created an extraordinary body of work—50 films and counting—including landmark documentaries like Incident at Restigouche (1984) and Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance (1993). The Abenaki director has received numerous international honours and her work was showcased in a 2008 retrospective at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. “My main interest all my life has been education,” says Obomsawin, “because that’s where you develop yourself, where you learn to hate, or to love.”
Dans Bill Reid se souvient, Alanis Obomsawin rend un magnifique hommage à la vie hors du commun et au riche héritage de son ami. Bill Reid, artiste haïda de renom, a passé sa jeunesse loin de sa communauté ancestrale et de sa culture, mais l’archipel Haida Gwaii a toujours occupé une place centrale dans son cœur. Alors qu’il travaillait pour la radio anglaise de Radio-Canada, il a appris à fabriquer des bijoux, puis des sculptures, en utilisant des techniques et des images haïdas, une démarche qui allait changer à jamais sa vie ainsi que le paysage artistique canadien. La narration puissante de Bill Reid — entrecoupée de celle d’Alanis Obomsawin — relate son enfance complexe, son émergence comme artiste accompli et le lien profond qui l’unit à son territoire. Des décennies après sa disparition, Bill Reid reste l’un des plus grands artistes du Canada.
As the only First Nations student in an all-white 1940s school, eight-year old Wato is keenly aware of the hostility towards her. She deeply misses the loving environment of the reserve she once called home, and her isolation is sharpened by her father’s serious illness. When Wato’s teacher reads from a history book describing First Nations peoples as ignorant and cruel, it aggravates her classmates’ prejudice. Shy and vulnerable Wato becomes the target of their bullying and abuse. Alone in her suffering, she finds solace and strength in the protective world of her magical dreams.
Inspired by personal experiences of writer and director Alanis Obomsawin, When All the Leaves are Gone combines autobiography, fiction and fable to create a deeply moving story about the power of dreams.