This short documentary is an overview of the events that marked Canada between 1927 and 1934. It shows a confident and prosperous Canada expanding in all directions until the stock market crash of 1929. Despite it all, Canada maintains an optimistic outlook. The period is witness to bargains by mail order, extremes in women's fashions, political seesawing, hockey broadcasts by a very youthful Foster Hewitt, and the word "quintuplets" in every headline.
This short documentary is an overview of the events that marked Canada between 1927 and 1934. It shows a confident and prosperous Canada expanding in all directions until the stock market crash of 1929. Despite it all, Canada maintains an optimistic outlook. The period is witness to bargains by mail order, extremes in women's fashions, political seesawing, hockey broadcasts by a very youthful Foster Hewitt, and the word "quintuplets" in every headline.
Sunshine and Eclipse (1927-1934), , provided by the National Film Board of Canada