This short film encapsulates the life of P.K. Page, a Canadian woman who has reached international stature as both a painter and a poet. Through an exploration of her life and art, the film shows how her powerful works have extended beyond their inherent confines into the realms of anthropology and ecology.
This short film encapsulates the life of P.K. Page, a Canadian woman who has reached international stature as both a painter and a poet. Through an exploration of her life and art, the film shows how her powerful works have extended beyond their inherent confines into the realms of anthropology and ecology.
Warning (if any): Outdated terminology (“Indian”) for Indigenous people
Brief “lesson launcher type” activity or a series of inquiry questions with a bit of context:
Documentary profiling Canadian poet P.K. Page and speaking with her about her life experiences that inspired her work.
P.K. Page’s earliest memories are around colours. Do our memories influence who we are as adults? Does what we do not remember also influence who we become? Should we trust our own memories?
How would P.K. Page’s poetry about “young girls” have been influenced by the role of women at the time? Was her own career as a writer typical of the time period?
Much of her poetry is around real-life situations that she experienced. Can poetry be as meaningful if a poet is describing events that they have not experienced? Why do you think so?
The interviewer asks P.K. Page why she does not write as many love poems. Do you think that is a question that would be asked of a male poet? Why or why not?
Still Waters: The Poetry of P.K. Page , Donald Winkler, provided by the National Film Board of Canada